Preparing For Your Massage

  1. It's essential to be clean and fresh before your massage. Take a shower or bath before your appointment to ensure you are comfortable. This is considerate for your therapist as well.

  2. Wear cozy, loose-fitting clothing. Most massages are done with clients in their underwear, but you can wear whatever you're comfortable with. Your therapist will provide you with draping to ensure your privacy and comfort.

  3. Avoid heavy meals right before your massage, as you might feel uncomfortable lying on a full stomach. A light meal or snack a couple of hours before is usually a better choice.

  4. Stay hydrated by drinking water before your massage, but avoid excessive consumption right before the session to prevent interruptions for bathroom breaks. Consider taking a caffeine break.

  5. Arrive a few minutes early for your appointment to complete any necessary paperwork or to have a brief discussion with your therapist about your expectations and any health concerns.

  6. Visit the restroom before your massage to minimize interruptions during the session.

  7. Turn off your phone or put it on silent mode to avoid interruptions during your massage. The goal is to relax and disconnect from outside distractions.

  8. Take off any jewelry, watches, or accessories that might interfere with the massage or make you uncomfortable while you are laying on the table.

  9. Please make sure to communicate with your therapist. If you have any specific concerns or preferences, communicate them before the session begins. This includes discussing any injuries, areas of pain, or pressure preferences.

  10. Take a few moments to calm your mind and focus on your breathing before the session begins. Deep breathing can help you relax and get the most out of your massage.

  11. Honor your own boundaries and your therapist with mindful and respectful conversation and behavior. Be mindful of heavy topics that may overwhelm you or your therapist. Your session is about releasing stress, tension and/or pain. Give yourself the space to process in your body.

  12. Make sure you have enough time afterward to relax and enjoy the benefits without rushing.


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